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2017 Bookish Resolutions

Hello, everyone!

Happy New Year! I’m sorry I’m a few days late, it’s been a crazy start of the year for me so free time has been scarce. But today I want to talk about some goals I have set up for myself this year regarding books and reading!

Read 30 (or more, if possible) books during the year

I know that there are amazingly prolific readers out there that awe me with their goals of 50+ books to read or even 100+ books… and the most amazing thing is that they accomplish it! My hat goes off to those people because you are all I aspire to be one day. However, I take my time with books, mainly because there is always something else that needs to get done and sometimes I get into reading slumps or I simply do not want to finish a certain book so I take my time.

This year, however, I have set myself the goal of reading 30 books, which is the most I have ever demanded myself to accomplish. It will be a challenge, with my life upside down as I tackle unemployment, freelancing and entrepreneurship all at once and hoping to stay afloat.

Be more organized with my reviews

I am currently off to a rocky start because I have two reviews pending from 2016. But Rome was not built in a day, so I have hope that with determination and hard work I can keep up to date with my reviews!

My plan is to write the review the very day I finish a book or –in case I finish it late at night, which tends to happen a lot– the following day.

Plan my Bookstagram shots in advance

I already do that most of the time, but since quitting my job I have become sloppier. Before, as I had a very tight schedule, I was very organized and had a list of photographs to take during the weekend and then managed to snap enough for the following week since daylight came and went with me stuck at the office.

Recently, though, I tried to take a picture the very same day I was planning on posting it but, as I’ve stated before, somehow I am never still so I always have things to do, errands to run, places to be… And that system just doesn’t work for a hyperactive, anxious twenty-something like me. So I have returned to my successful system but my efficiency has yet to return to its former glory. On a good day, I can take enough pictures to last me a week but on a regular day I take two or three and start to clean up, since my million prior commitments keep me from dedicating that much time to it.

This year I want to change that and truly dedicate Bookstagram the time and energy it deserves, since it is a project that is very dear to my heart. So brace yourself, my wonderful IG followers!

Prepare more featured images

More often than not, I will have a completed, double-checked, typo-free blog post ready to be published… and have it wait in my drafts for ages while I find a good enough featured image for it. I love making them and adding the text but I tend to forget about doing that until I am actually ready to post, which just doesn’t work. So it is my resolution this year to (once again) plan ahead and have it all ready so I can publish at the speed of sound.

Adhere to my book bans

As all bookworms know, it is extremely difficult to keep oneself from getting more books for that ever growing library at home. I certainly know so and have come to the horrendous conclusion that I now own more unread books than read ones. That is just wrong. I mean, I know it also has to do with my crazy, book shopping spree in December, but I think I’ve been hoarding too many books without actually getting to read them.

This year, I will really try to stick to my book ban and indulge myself only on special occasions or when an irresistible sale is happening. Instead of bringing more books home, I should focus on the ones that have been patiently waiting for me to love them as they deserve.

I think those are all my bookish resolutions! What do you think? Do you share any? I will love to read yours!



3 thoughts on “2017 Bookish Resolutions

    1. I know! It’s just too tempting to look at new books and it’s so easy to slip and get more to the TBR pile… But I’m sure we will be able to make progress this year! 🙂


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